Sunday 22 November 2015

Modern AoT : Chapter 9 [SECRET LESSON WITH MY BOSS] Remake!!

BY Unknown IN 2 comments


Cast    : Levi Ackerman x Reader (In my case : Lucy Alsei)
Genre  : Romance, Mature
Song   : Love Me Like You Do by Ebony Day Cover

Chapter 9

Sentuhan lembut itu, ia merengkuhku dengan lengan kuatnya dan setiap ku pejamkan mataku yang terlihat dalam bayanganku hanya wajah serius dengan tatapan mematikan itu sedang menatapku tajam, ia terlihat sebal namun disaat bersamaan pancaran matanya terlihat sangat lembut, menenangkan, nyaman namun juga kesepian, dengan pelan Levi berbisik.

Friday 20 November 2015

Review : Psycho Pass

BY Unknown IN No comments

Hi there!! Long time no see!! How are you? 

So.. It’s been a long time since I wrote chapter 8 “Secret Lesson With My Boss”. I’m so happy, cause someone requested another chapter for this story, it’s really refreshing cause I’m not a professional writer and.. yeah my english doesn’t good anyway.  I’m so sorry for this late, cause I have a terrible something in my study and I need to fix them as soon as possible because I have a limit. But I hope I can work fast for the next chapter and release them this weekend. So.. please be patient.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Review Mash Up Song : I really Like You (Carly Rae J) / Kamulah Satu-satunya (Dewa 19) By Tsam Sui & Nadya Rafika

BY Unknown IN 3 comments

Hi there! Long time no see.. 

So, beberapa hari yang lalu seperti biasa saat jenuh dengan kerjaan aku akan searching lagu-lagu terbaru atau nonton youtube sekedar menghilangkan rasa bosan. Dan aku nemu beberapa video penyanyi lokal dan luar yang cukup menarik perhatianku.